In the second part of a two part series about scent and class, artist Anicka Yi, academics Hsuan L. Hsu and Nuri McBride, and entrepreneur Mary Richardson-Lowry join us to discuss our aromatic bodies, our aromatic environment, and how scent plays into the concept of “the other”.
University of California Davis
Davis, United States
Identity Narrative
Chicago, United States
The Institute for Art and Olfaction
Los Angeles, United States
February 25, 2021
Perfume on the Radio title song composed by Maxwell Williams. Interstitial Music by composed by Stephen Rimlinger.
Camille Saint-Saëns
The Carnival of the Animals - V. The Elephant
Courtesy of MusOpen
Johannes Sebastian Bach
Prelude from Cello suite no. 1, Performed by Sung Oribe
Courtesy of MusOpen
Frederic Chopin
Nocturne in E flat major, Op. 9 no. 2
Courtesy of MusOpen
Pyotr IlyichTchaikovsky
The Nutcracker Suite, Act I, No.5.
Courtesy of MusOpen